Steven Slate Drums 5 is Finally Here
Dear Slate Customers,
Fifteen years ago, there was no Slate Digital, No Virtual Analog-Modeled Plugins, and no touchscreen consoles.
There was just Drums. Steven Slate Drums.
My drum samples became a staple for pro mixers around the globe and launched my career in pro audio. And that’s why I’m so happy to finally announce the release of our new flagship Virtual Drum Instrument, SSD5.
SSD5 has been built from the ground up. It’s so easy to use you don’t even need to read the manual. But most importantly, we have a new state-of-the-art drum physically-modeled playback algorithm that recreates the sound of real drum parts. Simple round robin is a thing of the past… now each drum dissolves into the next just like a real acoustic drum kit.
Click above to check out the SSD5 launch video, which features six new Deluxe 2 kits in all styles.
SSD5 is debuting at a special price until November 30th when it goes back to its normal price.
Don’t miss this offer to get one of the most versatile and best sounding Drum VI’s in the industry!
- New Deluxe 2 drum library with more than 50 new instruments including 10 new kicks, 10 new snares, and even a few percussion instruments. All the drums are unique and have two stereo room layers each
- New SSD5 physically modeled drum playback algorithm ensures that each drum part sounds extremely natural, authentic, and real
- Classic Slate Drums, Deluxe 1 Drums, and ALL Expansion pack drums (CLA, Blackbird, etc) have been re-done using the new SSD5 physically modeled drum playback algorithm
- New GUI with a better layout and better functionality. Easy to understand and navigate, even without the manual.
- Using Drum Kit view, or Pads/Cells View you can now load up to 32 drum instruments simultaneously along with up to 32 user one-shots.
- Super powerful and easy routing to your DAW with AUX channels, routing manager, and routing presets.
- Group selection of mixer strips to adjust parameters of different mics simultaneously
- New solo/mute logic in Mixer with hotkeys for instant un-solo and unmute.
- Phase now can be flipped not only on selected mics but also on a whole instrument. Gives you the possibility to flip all mics in the instrument, but, for instance, subsequently flip the close mics
- Reworked mapping. Everything in the kit preset is easily mappable and remappable plus there is an input converter to load mapping presets for popular formats
- New groove library with more than 1000 new grooves.  Grooves are unique and come in a lot of styles played by great drummers. New grooves are played by the new groove player, where you can adjust the dynamics and speed of grooves and ‘drag and drop’ modified grooves into your DAW
- Drums audition has been greatly improved. Audition just by clicking on a drum instrument
- Now you can change the balance of direct mics vs ambient mics for sample audition in the browser
- Master volume for plugin output added
- Resampling quality is improved
- Retina support added
- VERY BIG – new shaping section. ADSR, where you can adjust A, D and R curves and S volume. Allows you to emulate transient shapers and compressors. Also gives endless possibilities for sound design