Monthly Archives: June 2017

NEW TO AWAVE: Kahayan Pro-Audio

Kahayan Introduction

NEW TO AWAVE: Kahayan Pro-Audio We’re please to announce that we have now added the Kahayan Pro-Audio’s high quality product range to our shelves. Kahayan’s products include their customisable summing amplifiers, high-end pre-amplifiers and microphones as well as their unique guitar selectors. Browse the Kahayan’s product range here:

The Audient ASP8024-HE hits SmartAudio in Russia

Audient Russia

The first Audient ASP8024-HE has been installed in SmartAudio Russia. The 48 channel console was chosen after studio co-owner Artem Suntcov worked with an original ASP8024 whilst interning at a studio in Nashville. On Suntcov’s return, he was pleased to learn that his top requested feature of being able to ‘colour’ the sound was implemented […]