Premier Guitar Magazine Honors Source Audio The Vertigo Tremolo With Their “Premier Gear Award.”


Premier Guitar Magazine Honors  Source Audio The Vertigo Tremolo With Their “Premier Gear Award.”

Everybody here at Souce Audio was very happy to learn that Premier Guitar Magazine chose to honor our Vertigo Tremolo with their “Premier Gear Award.” We sincerely appreciate Premier Guitar’s dedication to musicians and the gear they use, and we are more that pleased that the Vertigo meets PG’s high standards.

Click here to read the full review…

Here’s what Joe Gore (one of Premier Guitar’s Senior Editors) had to say: “This isn’t “a good digital approximation”—it sounds like frickin’ amp trem. In an A/B test against a blackface Vibro Champ clone, the two sounds were identical—no way could I pass a blind-listening test. Likewise, Vertigo duplicates that elusive, lightly pitch-shifted brownface tone, somewhere between trem and phasing. (Rival simulations often sound stiff and inharmonious.) And bias mode nails that hypnotic Vox wobble, which can feel like drinking a bottle of cough syrup, or swimming in a pool of it.


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