Rob Papen RP Delay
The perfect accompaniment to RP-Verb, this latest effects plug-in from Rob Papen includes numerous new features that will transform the way you mix your music – whether it be electro dance vocals or acoustic orchestral instruments.
Please note: If you buy and register RP-Verb you get RP-Delay included for free. Simply register your RP-Verb serial number at and RP-Delay will appear in your account. Click here for more information about RP-Verb
RP-Delay is a unique delay with a particular focus on some very special features, including brand new FX routing! To explain, the sound reverser can reverse the input, while simultaneously reversing one of the delay lines. The reverse sound can also be triggered via a midi keyboard, generating totally new sounds, and sending them into the reverser with its own filter and distortion!
RP-Delay allows users to have 6 delay lines with 8 active multi-mode filters all operating at once in each of several delay models. In addition to the basic delay models like a simple mono delay and a stereo delay, Rob Papen has included a tape-sound delay allowing users to change tape length without any clicks. The delays, filters, and reverser can all be modulated by the built-in modulators. There are 4 modulation sequencers, 4 LFOs, and 4 envelopes, complete with several trigger options!
Rob Papen has now updated RP Delay with 100%, 150% and 200% GUI size options.