The Standard Audio Level-Or is an API (c) 500-Series rack compatible JFET limiter / distortion processor. The design was inspired by the Shure Level-Loc PA limiter from the 1960’s, popular now for its trashy, ultra compressed sound. The Level-Or delivers the same aggressive compression sounds as it’s predecessor but with added features, less noise and it’s own unique sound.
In “Level” mode, the Level-Or acts very much like the Level-Loc. An additional, faster release time has been added for even more flexibility and a broader range of compressed sounds.
In “Crunch” mode, the Level-Or sets itself apart from anything else like it. By sweeping the input level over the range provided, a huge palette of sounds can be reached from subtle saturation and harmonic enhancement, to aggressive crunch, to buzz-saw like distortion, to utter destruction of the original source material.
Between these two available modes, there is a huge array of sounds that can be produced from this unit. Simple drum loops can be taken from boring to unique and drum room mics can be crushed or distorted to taste adding size and character to the overall sound. Bass, guitar, and keyboard sounds can be manipulated, taking on completely new and different sounds than the original source material.
*Note: Due to the nature of the design of this unit, it is very aggressive sounding; with noticeable pumping, distortion, and some noise.
We consider this a good thing!
0-4 seconds = straight signal
4-9 seconds = level mode
9-13 seconds = crunch mode
 13-17 seconds = crunch mode maxed
MP3 sample
Synth Bass:
0-5 seconds = straight sound
5-19 seconds = crunch mode gradually
turning up input until maxed
MP3 sample
0-5 seconds = straight signal
5-10 seconds = level mode
10-15 crunch mode gradually turning up
input until maxed
MP3 sample
Level-Or Features
 Transformer balanced input
 Electronically balanced, line level output stage capable of driving balanced loads as low as  600 ohms.
 Two modes of operation:
 Level – Sound of unit is dominated by JFET limiter
 Crunch – Sound of unit is dominated by harmonic distortion from the discrete transistor-based,  Class A amplification stages
 Additional release time added that is twice as fast as original release
 Output level control to enable the input of the Level-Or to be driven hard without clipping the  device that the Level-Or is driving (DAW input, Tape Machine, Console Line Amplifier, etc).
¼” line input on front panel